Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Sum and the Parts are Equally Huge

This year, for my birthday, my wife April aka GlutenHatesMe reached out to a small group of people who were the closest to me and asked them to commit to one random act of kindness. She would then collect them and give them all to me as a gift.

I was not only awe struck by the willingness of so many people to participate, my whole body smiled when I read how willing people were to put themselves into relatively uncomfortable situations JUST to do something kind. To my friends and family, nothing has been more meaningful in my life than this gift, and I want to do my part to show the world (i.e. the roughly 2 people who read this blog) your kindness:

  • Adam - flew back to visit his parents and instead of "so many fun things he could've done, he spent the weekend working in the yard, building a rock wall, exterminating a giant hornets nest, doing work that needed to be done before flying home"

  • Susan and Family - bought a strangers dinner without asking one evening, and it sounds like made a friend out of it too!

  • Bronwyn - stepped in at the grocery store to help someone who didn't have enough money to pay for their groceries.
  • Jeanne - wrote a thank you card to 911 workers who were so helpful and have such a tough job. You also paid in advance for a strangers library fines so that they could continue to check out books!
  • Lindsay - Aunt of the year for taking two days off of work to step in and help out with babysitting her niece so that her brother and sister didn't have to use sick time. 

  • Ben - bought gas for a stranger at the gas station and spent some time with a friend in need. 
  • Kat - on a gloomy night, left a waitress and exceptional tip to cheer her up AND made a special call to three of her closest friends to let them know how thankful she was for them.

  • Emily - is dog-sitting two needs a week for her brother so that he can go to grad school and even cooks him (the brother) dinner when he gets out of class!

  • Aidil - gave a homeless man her favorite water bottle, went out of her way to help a traveler in need in an area that was unfamiliar to her, but made sure she knew where she was going, and paid for a hotel room for some traveling artists in need. 

  • Alex - helped a woman at the vet who was carrying her cat in a carrier, a baby in a seat, two bags and her 2 year old!

  • Loren - took a day off of work and came and visited ME! Took me out to lunch!

  • Mom (below) and Jeff - sent anonymous flowers to her coworker who lost a child in early August to let her know that she has friends who grieve with her and that they haven't forgotten her loss either. And on top of that, donated some money to YES!

  • Martha (above) - when passing a person begging for change, this time instead of the usual buck, gave him $20. 
  • Karmen - donated blood! What a great idea!

  • Greg - while riding your bike home saw a car stalled in traffic, recruited a fellow cyclist and helped him push his car to the side of the road into a parking lot. 

  • Zigmas and Vida (and fam) - Flipped over 3 pennies to Heads Up for some passerby to find and be gifted with good luck. You are special people!
  • Suzanne - bought supplies that were much needed and wanted for the wonderful woman who cleans houses for a living, whose husband is unemployed and has a sick mother and father. I love that this is an investment that will have a return for them!

  • Kai  - bought food for a homeless man AND his dog. Also helped some of his neighbors who he didn't know move into their apartment. 

  • Aaron - will be walking/running for the March of Dimes with little A-cakes!

  • Craig - bought a supplement for a friend in need with back problems. 

  • Katie  - sent a note to an incredible teacher sharing how much she appreciates her teaching and modeling kindness to the students. 

  • Diana and Drew - went up and above for a special customer who was just diagnosed with brain cancer and is having a rough time. They put together a care package with homemade bread, peaches, and books. 

  • Amber  - bought a Tidal Creek Cooperative Market ownership for someone to use for a year, get discounts on local and organic food, and be able to receive a share of the Coops profits!